Preparing for This Sunday's Service: This Sunday in worship, we will share together in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, Holy Communion. Before the time of the service you will want to prepare some bread: a slice, a small loaf, even a cracker if that's what you have on hand... any kind of bread. In some parts of the world tortilla, rice cake, or cassava are used as "bread", which is defined not as a wheat product but as the common food of the people. Let it be something you alone or you with others in your house may break and share. And also prepare a cup or cups of juice or wine: perhaps grape juice or wine if you have it... or cranberry or apple or whatever it is you have available, whether with or without alcohol.
Set these elements in the living room or kitchen or wherever it is that you will experience online worship with our community of faith. Perhaps you want to put them on a lovely cloth or fabric that reminds you of a special time or a person deeply connected with you in the communion of saints. Perhaps you will light a candle or place beside the bread and cup a flower or plant or a photograph of someone you wish to bring into the circle of faith.