Being the first Sunday of the month, this Sunday we will share in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, Holy Communion. Wherever you're worshipping with us from, you'll want to have some bread and a cup prepared.
We'll also be taking time this Sunday to recognize and pray God's blessing upon two of our young adults -- Braeden and Jill -- who are graduating from Grade 12 this year and moving forward into new and different adventures. We'll get to hear a bit from each of them, present them with tokens of our congregation's continuing care and nurture, and collectively pray for God's blessing upon them.
And finally, this Sunday will also be the last that Robyn Garland, our Coordinator of Children's & Youth Ministries, will be with us in worship prior to her departure for maternity leave... we'll have a chance to pray God's blessing on her and her soon-expanding family, too, as we say "see ya later!"
All in all, a rich and full Sunday not to miss!