Sunday, June 13th, all of us here at Cloverdale United Church are joining with our siblings-in-faith of The United Church of Canada throughout the Pacific Mountain Regional Council (which encompasses most of BC and the Yukon), worshipping together at the conclusion of the regional council's 2021 annual general meeting.
We will celebrate the new Commissionands and Ordinands in our regional council, experience the preaching of the renowned Denver-Colorado-based preacher and Lutheran pastor the Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber, and connect with United Church friends near and far in song and prayer.
The service will be livestreamed from Highlands United Church in North Vancouver at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7h5wMhfpreU and begins at 10:00 am (half-an-hour earlier than CUC worship normally).
There will be no separate worship service livestreamed from CUC on June 13...