This week, we find ourselves still in the hometown synagogue of Jesus, in Nazareth, where he's just read a poignant and provocative prophetic text from Isaiah, and said that these words had become fulfilled in his proclaiming of them. Now, though, we get to hear how the hometown crowd reacts to that promise and, more to the point, how they react when Jesus tells them that they will get no special privilege above other people in his promise and his ministry -- in fact, that the other may well rank ahead of them.
This Sunday is also the annual VST Sunday, wherein we have the opportunity to recognize and celebrate the various institutions that prepare people for vocations of leadership in The United Church of Canada, and especially our relationship with and support of the Vancouver School of Theology right here in our region. In honour of VST Sunday, Arthur Surjadi, a Master of Divinity student from VST, will be delivering the sermon this week; Mr. Surjadi is originally from Indonesia and affiliated with the Reformed/Presbyterian tradition there (Rev. Matt will nevertheless be here this week to preside at the service).