With tremors already able to be felt in the days preceding, over the last 24 hours we have watched as an earthquake of Russian aggression and war-making has shaken Ukraine... and has furthermore shaken loose the confidence any of us may have had in a future free from war and violence. We know all too well the lessons of history that war begets war and that the hungers of those who seek power through force are almost never easily satiated.
Moreover, the acts we are watching unfold before us cause our hearts and spirits to ache in lament, cry out in mourning for those who are being killed and injured, and quiver in dismay and despair as we feel helpless for others, ourselves, and our collective human future.
In the face of all of these feelings, as inadequate as it sometimes seems, nevertheless we do what people of faith do... we come together, and we pray.
All are invited to join in a Service of Evening Prayer in a Time of Aggression & Violence, this evening, Thursday, February 24, at 7:00 pm, online. This 20-to-30-minute service of prayer and worship will offer an opportunity to join with others to lament and listen, to cry out and reflect, to pray for peace and hope in God together.
This service of Evening Prayer will be online-only, via Zoom (with simulcast to YouTube) via the same links as Sunday morning worship. All worshippers will have opportunities during the service (if they so choose) to have their voices heard by the gathered community, so having microphone and video camera availability is encouraged (but not required).