“Faith is the touching of a mystery, it is to perceive another dimension to absolutely everything in the world. In faith, the mysterious meaning of life comes alive. Beneath the simple, explicable, one-dimensional surface of things their genuine content begins to shine. … To speak in the simplest possible terms: faith sees, knows, senses … the presence of God in the world.” (Alexander Schmemann, in Celebration of Faith)
As our path through the church year soon enters into the season of Lent, and through Lent to the mysteries of Christ's passion, death, and resurrection, our scripture reading this week brings us to a turning point in Jesus' story as well, that moment when he journeyed up a mountain with Peter, James, and John and was "transfigured" before their eyes. The glory of God shines most fully to us in the person and work of Jesus Christ, and any of us who witness that glory reflect it into the world.