As we begin our walk through the season of Lent, preparing our hearts and minds for the celebrations of Easter that await, we shall do so this year through the theme of "Seeking". We'll dig into a series of stories of Jesus encountering people who are seeking, and we'll do so through a number of deep and honest questions.
In our first scripture reading this week, seeking the fruit of the garden, Adam and Eve allow the snake’s manipulative voice to become louder than God’s voice. And then in the second one, in the wilderness, Jesus defies the deception of the tempter by listening intuitively—to God, to his inner moral compass, to the teachings of his faith. And so, who will you listen to? What sources do you seek for news, information, and media? Whose voices—and what messages—take up too much space in your head? Within the onslaught of messaging we receive, we are invited to choose carefully.
Following worship this week, plan to stick around (or stay connected on Zoom) for our 2023 Annual Congregational Meeting. (Due to the meeting, there will be no conversation-and-refreshments time after the worship service.)