Rush of a mighty wind... tongues of fire... a cacophony of languages... bold witness to God at work in the world through the person and work of Jesus Christ... all signs and symbols of the Holy Spirit at work, as we remember and celebrate each year on Pentecost Sunday. Here at Cloverdale United Church, we witness the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in our midst in all of the ways we care for one another and continue to give witness in word and deed to the world-shaping and world-changing good news of Jesus Christ. This weekend as we celebrate Pentecost, an all-ages worship service will include Robyn Garland sharing a story of someone with a very "special" gift, an opportunity to reflect on our own gifts, the welcoming of 6 new full members of our congregation, and a time to mark an important transition as Robyn Garland departs from her role among us as Children and Youth Leader.
(Apologies for the lower quality video recording this week... We experienced a technical glitch in-the-moment that prevented our usual direct-to-YouTube livestream; therefore we have uploaded the backup recording from Zoom, which comes in at much lower video and audio quality.)