Friends, this coming Sunday is the opportunity I know you've all been waiting for: it's your turn to stump the chump... errr... I mean, stump the preacher!
Each year on the Sunday after Easter, we hear the story from the gospel of John about Jesus appearing to his disciples on Easter evening while they were locked away in fear… but at a moment when the disciple Thomas wasn’t there. So, he understandably wanted his own encounter with the risen Christ and had his own questions he wanted answered.
In worship this week, we'll have an "instant sermon" based on your questions about God, Jesus, faith, the Bible, worship, life, and more.
What's that faith question that's always been nagging at you, but you never had the chance to ask? Or that thing you've always thought, 'well, I know what I myself believe about this, but what would Pastor Matt say?' It could be something huge, like "Why do bad things happen to good people?", or a bit more ordinary, like "Why do some churches use wine for Communion, and others (like ours) use grape juice?" Or whatever... God, Bible, faith, prayer, Jesus, liturgy, living out your discipleship... it's all fair game for this instant sermon.
There'll be some time early in the service for you to write and submit your questions, and then when we get to the sermon time, I'll try to address what I can... and acknowledge that there are most certainly things I can't.
I hope to see you Sunday!
Yours in the journey,
—Rev. Matt