“Skin in the Game”
This week, we depart from the stories of King David that we’ve been following for the past few Sundays and jump back into the stories of Jesus' life and ministry conveyed to us by the Gospels. In the passage we’ll hear from the Gospel of John, Jesus is in the midst of doing some teaching and explaining after the well-known scene of the feeding of the 5,000 from a few loaves and fishes. In this week’s snippet of this teaching, Jesus continues to develop what it means when he says “I am the bread of life”, and moreover what it means for him to tell his followers to “eat” and “drink” of his flesh and blood. We can’t help but hear Jesus' words as an invitation to the meal of bread and fruit-of-the-vine that we share in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion. And… there may be even more to hear here, of God in Jesus having real “skin in the game,” and of an invitation for us to do so, too!