
James 3:1-12 and Psalm 19

Worship Bulletin & Sermon Downloads

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Speech Therapy”

This Sunday, our final stop in a series of three small visits to the New Testament's letter of James offers a stern caution about the dangers of “the tongue”… how easy it can be to use our speech to injure, exaggerate, curse, and lie. In contrast, the words of Psalm 19 that we’ll hear testify to all creation, even the heavens themselves, speaking praise to God and declaring God’s glory. The old school-yard rhyme may say that sticks and stones can break our bones, but that “words can never hurt me,” but the experience of life and the witness of the Bible testify to exactly the opposite. Our words do matter. This should come as little surprise, since we are, after all, created in the image of God who is able to create whole worlds with a word!