May 30 - June 2, 2019 at Langley Events Centre
From Whitehorse in the North, to the coastal islands on the West, to the mountain town of Banff in the East, and across the hills and valleys, watersheds and plains of our Region, United Church people of all ages will gather the 2019 General Meeting of the Pacific Mountain Region. We’ll gather as delegates and leaders, as volunteers, visitors and observers, as participants and leaders of the Children’s Program and the Youth Program, and more. We’ll pray, play and explore what God is up to. We’re excited to get into the questions of where the Spirit is at work, and how we will participate in that work. The sacred story Esther will support us “for such a time as this”.
** Rev. In Lee will be admitted to the United Church of Canada during “The Celebration of Ministry Service” at 10 am on Sunday, June 2nd. All are welcome to join at the Langley Events Centre to celebrate his admission.