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The Essential Practice of the Breath Prayer
- Begin by asking God to help you form this breath prayer.
- Ponder your favorite name for God. For some it might be God, others prefer using the name of Jesus, Sophia, Wisdom, Pure Love, Holy Spirit, Source of Life, Ground of our Being, Higher Power—you name it (literally!). Choose the name or image for the Holy One that resonates deeply with you.
- Reflect for a moment on what it is you need or what you may want to express in your breath prayer. Come up with a short phrase that fits. It should be short enough to say in one breath.
- You will put these two together in any way you like. I’ll give some examples of this kind of breath prayer so you know what I mean.
Freedom, in Christ
God, grant us peace
Lord, hear my prayer
Help me follow you, Higher Power
Heal me, Loving God
- Once you determine what your breath prayer is, you inhale on part one, and exhale on part two. Allow the breath to carry the words along with it. Say the prayer over and over (silently or aloud), like a mantra. Before long, you will find you are “breathing the prayer.” Allow the breath prayer to gently lead you to that place of inner silence and calm—the place where you don’t need to say the words any more. This is known as the place of contemplation.
- If you want, write your breath prayer on a small piece of paper and carry it with you as a reminder to keep breathing and praying.