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Welcome Back!  Cloverdale UCW gatherings are returning in September. We are an intergenerational and intercultural organization with a goal of supporting each other, our congregation, and our community. All are welcome at either (or both) of the regular meetings and at the special events held throughout the year. There are many opportunities for participation coming in the next few months.  Come and join us and hear all about it!

Evening Meetings: Monthly evening meetings (Sunshine Group) take place on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. in the CUC Lounge (or as announced). 

Morning Meetings:  Monthly morning meetings (Friendship and Alpha Groups) take place on the second Wednesday of the month at 10 a.m. in the CUC Lounge (or as announced).

For both groups, the September gathering will be a time of reconnecting after our summer break, planning fall activities and the 2022 – 2023 calendar of events, and, as always, enjoying good food.

Good News: We are happy to announce that Kim Forbes has assumed the position of UCW president.  The position was open after Tina Tomlinson, former president, moved to Castlegar.  Thank you and congratulations, Kim.

Can You help?  Thank you to all who have offered to help at the Trevor Files Memorial Service reception on September 17.  Contact Lorrie Brown (, 778-593-7410) for the volunteer schedule.

Mark Your Calendars...

  • Sept. 7: Evening (Sunshine Group) Meeting 7 p.m. CUC Lounge
  • Sept. 14: Morning (Friendship & Alpha Groups) Meeting 10 a.m. CUC Lounge
  • Sept. 17: Memorial Service Reception

For more information:  Kim Forbes, UCW President,