Congregational Lenten Prayer Practice
During the 6 weeks of Lent you will have the opportunity to deepen your prayer practice by regularly praying for someone from our church family.
When you pray for someone else you will get to know that person and God, better.
Prayer partners will be assigned from a pool. On February 18th after church, we will gather to find out who our partner is and to talk about ways we can pray for one another.
This is an opportunity for all ages and stages. The hope is that you will be in touch with each other on a weekly basis and share what you would like to be prayed for. You will take the prayer concern with you and pray for your partner regularly throughout the week.
Because you do not have to be present to pray or be prayed for, anyone can have a prayer partner. Even those who can't be at church regularly.
Please consider being a prayer partner during Lent. Call/email Rev. Lori if you are interested.
Experience the benefits of being prayed for and praying for others. Pass the word around. Encourage others.
For this reason, since the day we heard about you,
we have not stopped praying for you.
We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives.
(Colossians 1:9)