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“So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Plan to take part in Creation & Re-Creation, Cloverdale United Church’s 2024 All-church Retreat to be held Friday evening, September 27, through Sunday morning, September 29, at the United Church’s Camp Fircom on Gambier Island.

Sponsored and coordinated by CUC’s Intercultural Ministry Team, the all-church retreat will be a fantastic time to strengthen bonds of community and relationship among the diverse segments of our congregation while also deepening faith and spiritual connection. Young and old and in-between, long-time congregant and newcomer, native English speaker and English Language Learning class participant, single person and multi-member household… we hope to have a nice mix from all across our community of faith.

The planning team—Christine Connal, Rev. Matt, Bev Siggs, and Chohee Won—are looking forward to celebrating the wonder and mystery of God’s gifts of creation in the midst of the nature and beauty of the Gambier Island setting. Moreover, we’ll explore how God is at work in us and through us creating and re-creating, shaping and re-shaping, building and re-building. As we connect across ages, languages, and cultures, we begin to glimpse the seeds of God’s movement toward the transformation of our lives, our communities, even our whole world.

The weekend will include shared meals (all food included in the program fee), worship and prayer, times to explore the beauty of the setting through hiking and other outdoor activities, group conversation and program, games and activities, and more. We’ll begin with dinner on Friday evening and end with lunch on Sunday.

Pricing Information

  • Adults: $200 per participant

  • Child/Youth: $150 per participant

This registration fee includes 2 nights lodging, program expenses, all meals from Friday dinner through Sunday lunch, and the fare for the water taxi that transports people between Horseshoe Bay and Gambier Island. (Cost for parking a vehicle at Horseshoe Bay is not included; carpooling and/or using TransLink are alternatives.)

Bursary Information

If the registration fee is outside of your financial means, we are pleased to be able to offer either full 100% bursaries, or a 50% discounted rate. Email Rev. Matt ( to express your need, and he can give you the appropriate Coupon Code to enter into the online registration form.

Click here to Register…” - ]

(Please note, if you're someone who's already been given early trial-use access to Realm_, our forthcoming new church database and communications platform, you can register directly on_ Realm_)