In the 1970s, a group of Cloverdale Moms met and began organizing social and educational activities. This group formed the foundation for the Cloverdale United Church Women (UCW) FRIENDSHIP GROUP. Many women have joined the group since that time, some for a short time and others for a long time, but the goals remain the same:
1. to grow spiritually through friendship;
2. to provide support for each other and for others in the community;
3. to socialize and have fun together.
The Friendship Group is inviting you to join them on Monday, January 29th at 10:30 a.m. in the meeting room adjoining the kitchen.
Come help us visualize our future and plan our 2018 activities. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Do you need a ride? Call Bev Siggs (604 576 - 8846)
For more information call May Taylor (604 576 - 6100) or Margaret Rose (604 574 - 7701)