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It seems like we’re ever more aware these days of our political and ideological polarization. Those who once simply were our neighbours, perhaps with whom we had a difference of opinion, increasingly feel like more than that, like our enemies.

Some years ago, writer and teacher Marilyn Chandler McEntyre imagined writing a letter to her “enemies.”

“You are the ones who hurt the people I love. … You are the ones who hurt the people I've been commanded and taught to care about. … You are the ones who set me at war with myself. … You are the ones who take in vain the name of the Lord I love. … You lure and you lie and you threaten.

“And yet… Jesus says ‘Love your enemies.’

“Does he mean you? … And how?

“I must love you because we have been given to one another for that purpose. … I must love you because my life depends upon it. … I must love you because I am like you.”

Click below to take in Ms. McEntyre’s entire reflection, courtesy of The Upper Room.