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I hope you are all sitting tight at home, as we serve our country and, in deed, the whole world by self-isolating and physically distancing as per the requirements from our premier and chief medical officer.   I pray that you all are safe and comfortable and know God’s presence with you.

Today, I am asking that you join me each day at noon by pausing and taking a few moments to offer prayer for our health care workers and everyone working in hospitals and medical facilities.  These dedicated people are putting themselves and their families at risk and undergoing extra hardship on our behalf. 

Set your alarm.   Let’s pray for their health, safety, their stamina, ability to rest well and their peace of mind.   You might also end your prayer by imagining them in your mind and praying the prayer of protection:

Christ before them, Christ behind them

Christ above them, Christ below them

Christ to their left and to their right,

Christ surrounding them

Christ within them.

And remember to use this prayer for your loved ones and any others who are weighing on your heart and mind at this time. 


Hang tight

Peace in Christ

Rev. Lori