You’re invited to a Banquet!
A Theological Banquet… on Saturday, April 14, 10 am to 3 pm
Sponsored by LeaderShift, an initiative of the BC Conference of the United Church of Canada, the Theological Banquet will help us explore and understand the theologies that shape our congregation. This understanding, based on the research of the Rev. Janet Gear (of VST) and facilitated by Janet herself on the day, will help us to host and celebrate the diversity of our community of faith, and find new ways to collaborate and communicate as we continue in ministry together.
Building on the Affirm Team’s work on diversity, the Spiritual Practices Team is hosting this day in partnership with LeaderShift, in order to continue to deepen our understanding of each other and our understandings of God’s work in our midst.
Lunch (a banquet, of course!) will be provided by donation, and participants are invited to sign up on the sheet in the welcome space, or register online at
In addition, all participants, and other curious members of the congregation, are asked to please fill out a four question survey (for Janet’s purposes in preparation for the day) which can be found at