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Lent 2025 at Cloverdale United Church - “Unbroken: A Living Faith”

When so many people identify themselves as Christian and yet seem to come at faith and life with such divergent worldviews, how can we spend some time thinking deeply about what we really believe? What is the what? What are the foundational beliefs of our Christian faith, and how are they living and moving with us as we change and grow?

Faith is passed down from generation to generation--it’s an unbroken line of ancestry that connects us all the way back to Jesus. The powers of the world wanted to break Jesus and yet this faith that we rest on is strong enough that they couldn’t do it. We are a part of this great tradition that will not and cannot be broken. And yet, God’s spirit moves among and within in us, reshaping, refreshing, and renewing--calling us in each new generation to make the faith of this great tradition our own in our particular time and context.

Here at Cloverdale United Church during the season of Lent this year, we’ll journey through seven teachings that give expression in our time to the core foundations of our Christian faith, exploring how we are and always have been both/and people: valuing both Wisdom and Innovation, both being individuals with unique gifts and abilities and being a part of a community that is much larger than any one of us, seeking to be both rooted and growing, living out a faith that is both grounded in tradition and always reforming.

Be sure not to miss any of the stops on this journey:

  • March 9 - 1st Sunday in Lent: God speaks to us through Scripture and Spirit (Luke 4:1-13)

  • March 16 - 2nd Sunday in Lent: God becomes human for us in Jesus Christ (Luke 13:13-31)

  • March 23 - 3rd Sunday in Lent: God feels our pain and suffering (Luke 13:1-9)

  • March 30 - 4th Sunday in Lent: God compels us toward mercy (Luke 15:1-3, 11-32)

  • April 6 - 5th Sunday in Lent: God delights in our goodness and judges sin (John 12:1-8)

  • April 13 - Palm Sunday (Luke 19:28-44, no specific theme connection)

  • April 17 - Maundy Thursday (7pm): God meets us in bread, wine, & water (Luke 22:1-23)

  • April 18 - Good Friday (12:00 Noon): God loves us eternally (Luke 23)