This week, we make one final stop for this season alongside the Israelites as they make their Exodus journey from enslavement to freedom, from Egypt to the Promised Land. Once again they are confronted with the challenging realities of the wilderness, this time wondering from where they will source water to drink. And, once again, they find the protection and provision of God meeting them where they are. A journey to true freedom is rarely easy, and neither is the journey to trust.
This Sunday is also marked by many Protestant traditions as World Communion Sunday, an opportunity to intentionally remember our oneness in Christ with all our Christian siblings around the world. The apostle Paul tells us that we are to “discern the body” when we partake of Holy Communion, taking note our relationship to all our siblings-in-Christ in the celebration. One is not to go hungry while another is drunk! (1st Corinthians 11:21)... and that’s true whether our sibling in Christ is around the block or around the world.